Friday, March 25, 2011

Japan Relief on Etsy

my heart goes out to those in japan and the loved one coping with tragedy and loss. before i begin this post, i want to tell you a little something i overheard at work. a coworker told me at her church they all put a red dot (symbolising the "rising sun" flag of japan) on their hands, and every time they see it, they say a silent prayer for japan. i thought it was a good idea and thought id share. :)

if you'd like to donate to japan tsunami relief, please do so at the red cross website, or text REDCROSS to 90999 and the donation will be on your next cell phone bill. or, if you love to help as much as you love to shop and support art, you can donate by purchasing certain items in etsy! many etsy sellers are banding together to raise money for japanese tsunami relief and i encourage you to be a part of it.

(i <3 sleepyking, by the way)
earlier in the week i donated $10 to the red cross. i wanted to give more but im totally broke.. but while making this post i saw these stickers and said oh, what the hey. :) i went ahead and bought them.

pray for japan <3

1 comment:

  1. I've been trying to raise money with sales from my shop to help out as well.
